Charting Another Course
You’re invited be a part of a movement that began with members, leaders, pastors, churches, and throughout classes across the United States calling the Christian Reformed Church (CRC) to a mission-focused, baptismally-based identity that allows for disagreement. In particular, we believe that the church and her members can disagree on ethical issues such as same-sex marriage (SSM) and more (e.g. divorce), so as to celebrate and expand the mission and unity of the wider church.
Together we believe Jesus calls his church to be a countercultural way committed to unity for the sake of Gospel witness. Whether it is Jesus’ great prayer (John 17), his greatest commandment (Matthew 22:37-40), or his great commission (Matthew 28:18-20), again and again, Jesus calls us to be a church united on mission together.
Unfortunately, our current cultural context has affected our relationships in the church as well. The polarity and divisions that we see in the world around us have entered the doors of the church, affecting our ability to answer Jesus' call to unity and harming our witness in the world. Better Together: A Third Way stands as a hopeful alternative to this divisiveness.
As Better Together: A Third Way we may not all agree on SSM, the recently adopted Human Sexuality Report from the CRC, or its ethical conclusions. Some of us strongly agree with the Human Sexuality Report, while others of us strongly disagree with its adoption. We may have a long list of differences, but we are committed to creating space for disagreement on ethical issues that do not determine our salvation in service to maintain the prioritization of the mission of the gospel and protect the unity of the church. We not only believe that this middle way is possible, we believe it best embodies the way of Jesus.
Some might counter that this better way betrays our confessions or may break covenant. We disagree. Instead, we believe that working together united on mission strengthens our covenantal relationship and we believe that even our disagreements can give us richer insights into the faith we confess.
If this vision of Better Together: A Third Way appeals to you, would you consider joining us? By the Holy Spirit’s leading, may we see the missional expansion of God’s kingdom by way of the church.
Will you be a part of us and get involved?
Why are we Better Together?
Hear why members of our Steering Team believe we are Better Together.
We hope you’re encouraged to join us!
Three goals of this movement
Four values of this movement
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