Better Together

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An Invitation to Pray

Dear Prayer Partners,

Thank-you for continuing to join us in a time of discerning prayer as we reflect on

Synod 2023 and look ahead to what lies ahead for the Christian Reformed denomination in  2024.

We invite you to join our monthly prayer gathering via Zoom. On the second Tuesday of the month at noon one of our Steering Team members, Chris Rea, leads this opportunity to join in prayer. It is held online and is open for anyone to join.

Here is the Zoom link for that meeting on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7 at 12pm (noon) EST:

Meeting ID: 832 0407 3778

Passcode: 554064

In addition to this prayer gathering on Tuesday, we invite you to join us in praying for the following:

  • For those in the United States, November reminds us of the theme of being thankful. So even amidst the challenges and hurts around us, let's take a moment to reflect on those people and things we're thankful for. Some to consider include:

    • The personal spiritual blessings we have in our salvation

    • The positive heritage and current blessings of the Christian Reformed denomination

    • Those "in the trenches" being a voice for the voiceless

    • That God will be present with and glorified even in the hardships and discouragements we may face

    • Add for yourself other thanksgivings of God's presence in your life and the church that you can voice

  • Better Together has shared a resource that may be helpful for congregations and members in the CRCNA in the form of a template to communicate to Synod 2024. The early receptivity of this template has been favorable as it may be a way of expressing reactions to Synod 2023's decisions. Please pray for godly wisdom and discernment in how this resource can be helpful.

  • Let's  continue to be in prayer for the many churches that are struggling with the impending sense  that "confessional status" may become an issue where leaders and congregations would be forced to leave the denomination. These churches are having terribly difficult conversations with members, looking at possible options, and praying that some sense of unity will be restored in the denomination. Pray for the Spirit to provide guidance and discernment to these churches.

Thank you for your continued prayers! We will be continue to send this prayer letter out on a monthly basis. Of course if you have any special thanksgivings or requests you'd like us to pray for feel free to contact us. Thank you for your desire to see unity restored.


Chris Rea

Joel Schreurs

Dave Struyk

Better Together Prayer Team