A Convening of Concerned Congregations for Next Steps Discernment

In the wake of the CRCNA’s Synod 2024 many churches, officebearers, and members across the Christian Reformed Church find themselves facing an ever more uncertain future. The disciplinary measures, “limited suspension,” restrictions concerning gravamina, and overall tone and tenor of Synod 2024 have led dozens of churches to a place of discerning their future within or apart from the CRCNA.

The Better Together Project Team received multiple requests from churches in early summer, asking if we might serve as a convening aid for the congregations who are discerning their possible—or even likely—need for a different future. These are local churches that are passionate about ministry, but deeply concerned about their ability to serve and worship well in the current context of the CRC. Many of these churches are interested in working across differences, and have expressed a desire to enter into a conversation, even if it is a different conversation than we had hoped for before Synod 2024.

In response to the many requests received and seeking to be faithful stewards of the needs of these churches, Better Together convened a gathering for discerning next steps - Canadian CRC churches, U.S. CRC churches, affirming churches, traditional churches, and all kinds of congregations in between, and their pastors who are seeking a supportive community in which to discern next steps.

An invitation was sent to all churches who are struggling to see their future within the CRCNA to join an in-person event (Aug. 23-24) or a virtual cohort (Aug. 27 & 29). The Better Together Team facilitated discernment exercises while encouraging the practice of Christ-centered center-set postures in efforts to best serve such congregations. We recognize that the questions and options facing churches are many and yet we trust that the Holy Spirit, by way of this kind of intentional and diverse engagement, will lead us forward to a hope-filled and kingdom-focused future.

We gained from these events both greater clarity around God’s call and tangible next steps that may be taken together.

In Hope,

The Better Together Project Team

